Study Abroad

This page is a rather belated ohmage to my semester abroad. We were based in Rome, and I mostly spent my time in Italy (apart from a whirlwind Spring Break tour of Greece) because I specifically wanted to embrace and explore the Eternal City. I fortunately had a phone with a decent camera and took tons of pictures, but they were mostly just sitting in my cloud account untouched until I was flipping through some of them with my sister and realized that I really ought to have some of them on my website - and it turned into a whole project. I have tried to keep this page art-centric, as that is the point of this website, but I ask for your indulgence if I happen to get a little carried away with the archival element at points. I have also included several entries from a travel journal we created as part of the program. I tried to pick the ones that closer to poetical musings than "today I did...", but often those musings are intertwined with or only meaningful in context of the experience at hand. Many of these reflections are steeped in my Catholic faith, a core tenant of my identity and intellectual life even though it does not often manifest explicitly in my visual art. Because I think that one of the purposes of art is to share the way we see the world with others in the hopes that it inspires and transforms those who encounter it, I hope you enjoy these glimpses of the world through my perspective - conveyed by my camera lens and verbal constructions.
The photo to the left was taken of me by a friend while we were in Greece - I edited it, but the original composition is not my intellectual property.