This gallery contains the evolution of my cut paper work. The first piece - a scene of the nativity - was created in 2013 to hang in the lobby of my school's performance hall for the annual winter show. It was a rather simple drawing done on the roll of paper I used for the final product. The second piece is an image of my brother, wearing a chameleon mask, done in 2015. I started with a personal photo, and then worked through digital effects and hand-blocking to convert the image from greyscale to simply black and white before sizing and using the print-out to guide my cutting. The next piece, done in 2019, was my first attempt at incorporating my patterns in this medium. I relied on a blown-up print out for most of the piece, though I did end up free handing a bit when certain sections of the original design proved either impractical or otherwise inadequate. Each subsequent work was done entirely free hand, though I would often look back at past works to be inspired when I felt like I was repeating patterns too much. The next two works were small pieces, the first done as a birthday present for one of my roommates, and the second as a dry run to illustrate the style I wanted to use for my senior seminar projects, which encompass the remaining images. Particularly when working on such large pieces, I jumped around a lot, working on different spots more or less at random rather than systematically working my way across the entire piece.
Progress of Cut Paper Work
Updated: Nov 2, 2024